Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Arrhythmic's too precious to be neglected..

Please, don't let this heart having a heart block..
Be my true pacemaker..
Let's reach the true one,,
The one which frees each other..
The one which won't make us having enmity on The Day of Judgement..

Please, don't scatter the harmony of my p, q, r, s, & t waves..
Don't make T inverted, because of the running time..
Don't let this heart getting ST elevation, because of an obstruction from temporary enjoyment..
Don't let the asystole happens prematurely..


Please, don't let this heart becoming so arrhythmic..

Strengthen the effort,,
then we can make it true!!

~for those who wanna have a true love

really hope this can come true,,

>>pic from<<


Haya Najma said...

kamu lagi blok kardio pa? hwhw

Nisa moeL said...

Ndak kak. Kemarin ada EKG darurat jadi nostalgia lagi, huehehehe..