Mr Harfan: All of you need bravery (or courage), strong will, and never want to give up to face any kind of challenge!
It's awesome!!!
First time finding this book in Gramedia (one of the book shop in Indonesia) when I hanged out with my closed friends on December 30th 2009, makes me so surprised. It was like I could feel the very berry great spirit from the photos of Ikal & Lintang who's riding the bicycle. I do love the front cover! X'D
By the way, I haven't ever read this book. But after seeing the Indonesia-version movie (if I am not mistaken) in September 2008 ago, I just wanna give 4 thumbs up *2 thumbs from you :D* to that movie (in original name) Laskar Pelangi! It is about an incredible story of Belitong children in Indonesia, who eagerly want to go to school although the distance from their houses is too far to be stepped. Thirty kilometres far from the elementary school in a village called Gantong, can't imagine how if we ought to walk like the distance of Jakarta-Bogor. Besides, some parents of them must work very hard in lead corporation (in Indonesia language: perusahaan timah) to get some money & keep their children can study at school.
Well, I don't know exactly how the detailed story in the book version is, because I haven't ever read it yet. But, after watching the heartwarming movie & knowing that Laskar Pelangi by Andrea Hirata is translated into an English version makes me think, you must read it. Just let your imagine having nice trip for getting lot of life lessons. Really! =D
Hiduplah dengan memberi sebanyak-banyaknya dan bukan menerima sebanyak-banyaknya!
(You live to give as many as you can, not to receive as many as you can.)-Ikranagara as Pak Harfan-
wah amul belum baca tetralogi versi originalnya ya?
harus baca mul, biar lebih 'berasa'.
favorit prisya adalah buku ketiga, edensor.
ntar kalo amul udah baca sendiri pasti tau kenapa :)
Iya belum baca, pris -____- Iya, biasanya novel lebih keren daripada filmnya (walau punya keunikan sendiri-sendiri juga sih ^^). Hmmmm jadi kepengen baca Edensor dst. Siapa ya yang enak dijadiin target meminjam? Hihi >:)
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