Friday, 21 August 2009

Be A Phlegmatic One Who is Choleric (??)


That choleric girl gives me so much inspiration again! What a cool her! >.<

How to be a very good girl like her ya?

I had read a psychologic article that a person has 1 character which is very dominant among the rest 3 characters.

The characters are...

  • Choleric
  • Phlegmatic
  • Sanguinic
  • Melancholic

  • I wanna be like her. I wanna be as choleric as her, although I'm sure I'm a phlegmatic one ~_~ but I'm very proud, and I want myself have the second position is for the choleric character, the thirs is melancholic, and the last is sanguinic. Because, I'm not really a brave girl who have much talk ={ Just say useful things then.

    Then why I wanna be a choleric one too? Because, the choleric persons are usually discipline, organized. They are kind of a good leader. It's so nice =O *it's not a brand of sausage*, in the contrary with the phlematic one, who is very difficult to be a 'powerful' one.

    But I'm still proud to be a phlegmatic one ^^i Because, they usually a kind of peaceful people. They are also usually calm, intelligent, & happy about their lifes ^_^ *narciss mode: ON*

    I had read a related article, more about the human characters from psychologic side. I'll post it with that link, but I'm really sorry because the article is in Bahasa Indonesia ^_^i I'm sure, those characters make perfection for each other.

    So, enjoy your own character ^_^

    ~traffic jam city~

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